Xin Yuan (WUST)


  • [Sep 2024] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for ICASSP'25.

  • [Sep 2024] Invited to serve as a committee member for CCF Wuhan YOCSEF.

  • [Sep 2024] One paper was accepted by The Visual Computer (TVC).

  • [Aug 2024] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for ICLR'25.

  • [Aug 2024] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for Displays.

  • [Jul 2024] One paper was accepted by ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (ACM TOMM).

  • [Jun 2024] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for Big Data Research.

  • [May 2024] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for NeurIPS'24.

  • [May 2024] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for ICIPW'24.

  • [Apr 2024] Invited to serve as a program committee member for 2024 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Workshop (ICIPW 2024).

  • [Apr 2024] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for ACM MM'24.

  • [Apr 2024] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for PLoS One.

  • [Mar 2024] Invited to serve as an organizing committee member for The 4th International Conference on Computer Vision, Application and Algorithm (CVAA 2024).

  • [Feb 2024] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for Information Sciences (INS).

  • [Feb 2024] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for Visual Intelligence.

  • [Jan 2024] Invited to serve as an organizing committee member for 2024 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Image and Virtualization (ICCGIV 2024).

  • [Dec 2023] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IEEE T-MM).

  • [Oct 2023] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCI).

  • [Sep 2023] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for CAC'23.

  • [Jul 2023] Invited to serve as a program committee member for AAAI'24.

  • [Jul 2023] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE T-CSVT).

  • [Jun 2023] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for Neural Computing and Applications (NCAA).

  • [May 2023] I receive the honor of "2023 Hubei Youth May Fourth Medal".

  • [Mar 2023] One paper was accepted by Photonics.

  • [Feb 2023] One paper was accepted by IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (IEEE J-STSP).

  • [Jan 2023] I receive the scholarship of People's Daily Online.

  • [Jan 2023] I receive the honor of "17th Annual College Student in China".

  • [Dec 2022] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (IEEE T-IFS).

  • [Dec 2022] I receive the 1st prize of "Outstanding Ph.D. Students' Academic Forum" in the 6th CCF Wuhan Member Activity Center.

  • [Dec 2022] One paper was accepted by CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology (CAAI TRIT).

  • [Oct 2022] Invited to serve as an expert reviewer for IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (IEEE J-STSP).

  • [Sep 2022] I receive the honor of "Baosteel Outstanding Student Award".

  • [Aug 2022] Invited to serve as a program committee member for AAAI'23.

  • [Jun 2022] I receive the honor of "National Upward Bound Good Youth".

  • [Apr 2022] One paper was accepted by ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (ACM TOMM).